segunda-feira, 4 de novembro de 2013


The School of The Damned 

Is looking for new students to enroll 
and take responsibility for running the course
 during its second year, starting early 2014

The School Of The Damned is an MA course run by its students and overseen by a board of academic advisors. It is intended to provide artists who cannot afford to study on an accredited program with a critical discourse and rigorous re-assessment of their art practices. The course also aims to establish a new network of artists, academics and institutions, which would not only advocate free education, but demand a universal acknowledgment of education as a fundamental right. Further to this aim, by its existence the course acts as a form of protest against an plutocratic state, which preserves aristocracies, promotes rampant avarice and marginalises the poor, dismantling their institutions and restricting their access to learning. By deeming itself a Masters Degree in Art, the course demands of itself a constant assessment of its proposed equivalence to established/accredited courses, yet ultimately understands that it will fail in this goal. The School of the Damned operates outside of the officially sanctioned academic institution, but does this out of necessity because the current system increasingly restricts access to such institutions. This course has been conceived of and produced as a pragmatic response to this current system, therefore, and as a protest against it, should not be construed as advocating or condoning an independent system of education based on values of entrepreneurism, philanthropy, libertarianism or self-reliance.




The School of The Damned is looking for new students to enrol and take responsibility for running the course during its second year, starting early 2014. New members will be responsible for the administration and organisation of the course as well as studying on it, and will be advised by the course’s founding members during this process.

This is a year-long self-run course with a strong political agenda and will require applicants to take an active role in the running of the course, with a specific interest in preserving and advancing the school’s agenda. We ask that all applicants have a BA or equivalent experience. 

The current students of The School of the Damned will assist with monthly crits and will be available to offer advice on the practicalities of the course, its direction and any press or public communication about the course.


is an MA course run by its students and overseen by a board of academic advisors. It is intended to provide artists who cannot afford to study on an accredited program with a critical discourse and rigorous re-assessment of their art practices. The course also aims to establish a new network of artists, academics and institutions, which would not only advocate free education, but demand a universal acknowledgment of education as a fundamental right. Further to this aim, by its existence the course acts as a form of protest against an plutocratic state, which preserves aristocracies, promotes rampant avarice and marginalises the poor, dismantling their institutions and restricting their access to learning. By deeming itself a Masters Degree in Art, the course demands of itself a constant assessment of its proposed equivalence to established/accredited courses, yet ultimately understands that it will fail in this goal. The School of the Damned operates outside of the officially sanctioned academic institution, but does this out of necessity because the current system increasingly restricts access to such institutions. This course has been conceived of and produced as a pragmatic response to this current system, therefore, and as a protest against it, should not be construed as advocating or condoning an independent system of education based on values of entrepreneurism, philanthropy, libertarianism or self-reliance.


Labour Exchange: each student will provide three days of labour over the duration of the course to be exchanged for the Visiting Lecturers' time, the terms of which are to be agreed between both parties.

Sunday Sessions: monthly day-long sessions held on the last Sunday of every month. Each session is comprised of two parts: A ‘Toni Lecture’ and the student presentations. The student presentations consist of individual presentations of work by three students. 

Group Seminars: reading sessions held on every second Tuesday of every month. Seminars are evening sessions where the group discusses that month's allocated reading.

Toni Lecture: over the course of the year each student will deliver a Toni Lecture to the group. It can take any format as long as it is not directly related to the student's own creative practice.

Visiting Lecturers: in addition to the 15 students, two lecturers will have been selected by the student body and invited to attend and help moderate the Sunday Sessions. Visiting lecturers are remunerated for their time through the school's labour exchange programme. 

The Board of Advisors: the founding members of the course, they are appointed to study and evaluate whether the course is valid in its conception, politics, structure and purpose. The formal requirements of the board are to: Attend at least one Sunday Session in the role of a visiting tutor; read and report back to the students on the content of the website, manifesto, course structure, and all other official documents created by the students; Create a report at the conclusion of each year.

FEES: each student must put £50.00 towards the school's group fund (with provision for job seekers). This fee will cover things like tutor's travel expenses, photocopies, interim and final year show, etc.


If you are interested in applying please email the following to by the 1st December 2013:
* 500 words stating why you want to join the protest and study and run The School of the Damned and why it is important for you to be joining an MA right now;
* 250 words statement about your work and two images (max. 1MB each);
* 1 page A4 CV with previous experience you have academic or otherwise that contributes to your choice of this course.
For any more information email  or visit


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