quarta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2011


Dear all,

We are sorry to inform you that once again Stockwell Studios are in dangerof eviction from their long term premises. As you may recall, thanks largely to your support, last year StockwellStudios managed to reach agreement with the London Borough of Lambeth. Thatif they could satisfy council insurers by meeting basic health and safetystandards then they could remain on their current site. Acting in goodfaith, the members of Stockwell Studios immediately invested £30,000 oftheir own money to pay for emergency improvements to the building. In return Lambeth offered the studios a 5 year lease with a 2 and a halfyear break clause. Although the offer of the lease was very welcome, it wasjust too short and the studios sought to negotiate a slightly longer term. In the mean time, in order to fulfill all the requirements demanded by thecouncil, Stockwell Studios embarked on a second phase of improvements to thesite. Digging deep, they spent a further £20,000 to completely rewire thebuilding. Four weeks ago the Studios were told that the council, under pressure to geta capital receipt for the site, retracted their offer of a lease. While Stockwell Studios realise the enormous pressures on Lambeth to cutcosts, they would like the council to recognize the hard work and commitmentthe studios have made to the site over the last 25 years. Not least, thatthe members have taken out personal loans to cover the cost of the recenthealth and safety work on the understanding that they could continue on thesite. In January The Studios will meet with the council to discuss the long-termfuture of the site. We appeal to you for any advice, direction or support you are able to give. In line with the objectives of the current government Stockwell Studios arelooking at ways to acquire the site for the community. With its charitableaims and status the studios wish to complete its long term goal ofturning the studio grounds into a community garden and the 'landmark' AnnieMcCall hospital building into a community arts hub. 2010 saw Stockwell Studios work with volunteers from Ernst and Young todevelop a number of wildlife habitats that include a pond, bog garden andvarious plantings to encourage insect habitats. As a result the twice weeklyGarden open days continue to be very popular with both regular and one offvisitors. Last spring the London Bee Keepers Association introduced four hives intothe garden. The Studios proved such a good apiary that the L.B.K.A. now useit as demonstration site to give weekly classes on how to keep a healthycolony - our bees have already produced one batch of prize winning honey! Thank you for reading and have a happy new year! Stockwell Studios members Find us on

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